The Pete Meitzner era in Wichita

Wichita City Council Member Pete Meitzner (district 2, east Wichita) is running for a position on the Sedgwick County Commission.

He’s running on his record of economic development. His website says: “Pete’s seven years on the City Council has proven to be a large part of the positive momentum we have recently experienced.”

Let’s take a look at the record. Click here to view a presentation of the numbers.

Example from the presentation. Click the chart to view the presentation.


One response to “The Pete Meitzner era in Wichita”

  1. Karmen

    Economic development?? Yes like destroying a neighborhood by lying and saying the residential homes are abandoned!! All to get his good ol boys land next to our neighborhood industrial zoned! Pete meitzner is a crook!
    As for unemployment down… Duh. The unemployment payments ran out!
    Pete hasn’t done shit for the citizens. Keep lining those pockets pete.

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