Karl Peterjohn Files for Sedgwick County Commission

On June 5, 2008, Karl Peterjohn officially filed to become a Republican candidate for the Sedgwick County Commission in district 3. I and some other local news media interviewed him afterwards.

Peterjohn believes taxes are an important issue in Sedgwick county. “Taxpayers need additional protection in Sedgwick County. The most effective position for taxpayers is a requirement that any and all county tax hikes must be approved by voters.” “People are concerned about the growing tax problem in Sedgwick County.”

Peterjohn said he intends to provide voters with the information they need so that they may make informed decisions about the candiates: “As I campaign in this district I find that voters need and want additional information about the positions of all of the candidates running.”

Finally, Peterjohn believes in private property rights: “Voters are disappointed to find out the county’s position on having strong eminent domain powers at the expense of homeowners, farmers, and businesses in our community. The negative impact of government authority over property instead of having the people control their land, their homes, their businesses is an indicator of how power is shifting to the central authority of the state instead of the people. If I am elected county commissioner, this is one county policy I will change and we will expand protection of property for the people.”

The campaign’s website is karlpeterjohn.com.


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