Martha, I’m Glad You’re Home

Writing from Newton, Iowa.

Alan Reynolds, writing for the Cato Institute, wrote in June 2003 this:

Believe it or not, the government now charges Martha Stewart with “securities fraud” during that same period because she supposedly tried in vain to prop up her own stock by denying that she was guilty of the crime then charged — insider trading. Yet the government now admits she was never guilty of that crime. Instead, she supposedly “obstructed justice” (her own threatened prosecution for a nonexistent crime) and made “false and misleading statements” about her reasons for making a perfectly legal sale of ImClone shares. Any jury of passably sane people would laugh this out of court.

A link to the full article is here: The Sleazy Political Persecution of Martha.

To me this seems like being charged for protesting a speeding ticket, when the police concede that you weren’t speeding. Welcome home Martha. I’m sorry you had to endure your imprisonment.


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