Wichita tea party updates

Tonight many people stopped by Spangle’s restaurant at Kellogg and Broadway and joined in the signmaking party. Some great signs will be at the protest, not to mention the decorated plungers. (Flush twice, it’s a long way to Washington, or, it’s time to unclog the system.)

Organizers report that over 700 people have registered to attend the event in Wichita. Registration is not required, but it helps the organizers plan. You can register by clicking on Wichita tea party registration.

Parking has been a concern ever since it became apparent that so many people were interested in attending. Now there’s a solution. A remote parking lot has been found, and shuttle buses will ferry passengers to and from the protest site.

For more information about the tea party, click on WichitaTeaParty.com.


2 responses to “Wichita tea party updates”

  1. mitch clay

    I doubt I will be able to make it to the rally – I just want to let you know that I am fully supportive of what you are doing. Keep up the good work.

  2. Angie

    Is that Mitchell Clay from Douglass???

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