Tea Party Express in Wichita a success

Related content: Wichita’s tea party critics examined.

Today a large crowd — some people estimated the crowd at 1,500 to 1,700 — gathered on a beautiful fall day in Wichita for a stop of the Tea Party Express. The crowd enjoyed speeches and music. About 30 motorcyclists escorted the bus to Lawrence-Dumont Stadium.

My photos are here, or click here for a slideshow.


14 responses to “Tea Party Express in Wichita a success”

  1. Ann H.

    I was able to be there and I’m really glad. The Tea Party Express put on a good show. Political news these days can get soooo discouraging that it’s nice to get out and rally with the awakening giant.

  2. Larry

    Thanks Bob for all the reporting you do in our community

  3. Thank you Bob for all the fine reporting you do. Thank you also for coming to the TEA Party, taking photos and writing an about it. You bring a voice of reason to local politics and serve us well with the real facts. The way great journalists are suppose to do. You are a true Patriot and we appreciate all that you do.

    Lynda Tyler,
    Kansans For Liberty

  4. Alice F.

    Bob thank you for giving us a VOICE ! When the media reported there were 37,000 people at the “9.12 March on Washington” I realized we (patriots) were alone. WE’re NOT ALONE NOW ! God Bless You.

  5. Thanks Bob! Thanks for being at the Kris Kobach fund raiser with Michelle Malkin also!

  6. Carrie Watts

    The Jo Co 9/12’ers were in front of the office of Dennis Moore, not as large as crowd, but all the spirit!

  7. Paul Revere

    From one patriot to another, a heartfelt “Thank You” for all the ways you contribute to the cause.

  8. Bob, thanks for such great coverage of the Tea Party Express bus tour event. It was a wonderful day, full of patriotism and happiness. We are so lucky to have you in our community, helping us to keep informed. You are a terrific journalist. Thanks for all you do! Sue

  9. Benjamin

    Great as usual Mr. Weeks! I just hope people don’t go back into their left/right bubbles. We all need to forget about parties and get our country back!

  10. I wish I were able to be their when all of this was going on and I am glad I was able to see this part of it. All is well that ends well.. Thanks to all of the people that was their to see this take place and thank you all from the bottom of my heart and god bless america and god bless all of our good people that helped you do all the nice things.

  11. Hazel Hand

    I felt so honored to be a part of the of the Tea Party Express. I would like to thank you and every one who helped get it together. We live in a great country and need to keep it that way.

  12. Bonnie

    Thanks, Bob, for being a voice of reason in a political wilderness of verbal nonsense.

  13. Bettysue

    Wonderful pictures;didn’t make this tea party,(but I was there in spirit,sent AFP a donation to help the cause.) The patriots that are dedicated conservatives deserve heartfelt thanks, for informing American citizens what is really going on in Washington,D.C.
    Bob,your reporting is the very best to find out what is going on in Wichita,I am grateful for your dedication and patriotism.

  14. […] Related content: Tea Party Express in Wichita a success. […]

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