Some Kansas Democrats are reluctant to show their party affiliation

Over the weekend the Wall Street Journal had an online piece (Kansas GOP Could Be Its Own Worst Enemy) that mentioned how Raj Goyle, candidate for United States Congress from the fourth district, doesn’t mention his party affiliation on his website or campaign materials.

It’s not only Goyle that omits this information. A short while ago I received notice of a young man running for the Kansas House of Representatives for the 96th district. That district, currently represented by Republican Phil Hermanson, covers parts of south-central and southwest Wichita.

This candidate — Brandon Whipple is his name: what party is he running in? I’ve looked pretty carefully at his campaign website, and just like Goyle’s, I don’t see any political party affiliation mentioned.

Whipple apparently hasn’t yet filed for office, as the Sedgwick County election office doesn’t have him listed. So his party affiliation isn’t available there.

But his Facebook page gives it away. He’s a Democrat.

Why don’t Kansas Democrats like Goyle and Whipple prominently mention their party affiliation?


11 responses to “Some Kansas Democrats are reluctant to show their party affiliation”

  1. scott owens

    Because the messenger would be attacked not the message and that isn’t really good for the county or state.

    So why don’t we listen with open ears first before deciding we don’t like the color of their party affiliations – there will be time enough for that to occur when / if they get elected.

  2. LonnythePlumber

    The reason two republicans didn’t put their party on their literature the last election may be because they didn’t want to be labeled extremist.

  3. […] Wichita Liberty wrote up a story yesterday about how Raj Goyle doesn’t want anyone to know he’s a Democrat.  We can’t blame him for that, since Democrats in Kansas are generally not electable, unless […]

  4. Anonymous

    Maybe you missed the Donkey on the right corner of Whipple’s website?

  5. Thersites

    So what? Didn’t Scott Brown in MA do essentially the same thing? Isn’t this a standard tactic for someone running in a region disproportionately populated by members of the “other” party?

  6. scott owens

    I think the Republican chair Steele did the same thing

  7. Ann H.

    Simple: Because 2010 is a poor year to be running as a Democrat.

  8. Taxpayer advocate

    What’ worse is somebody like Jim Skelton who claims to be a Republican then votes for all this corporate welfare like the Water Walk Hotel subsidy, and the Warren Theater bailout.

  9. KipSchroeder

    I have found that political monikers are useless when assessing a politician’s convictions and beliefs. It is far more instructive to take a few minutes and review their voting records. The easiest way I have found to do just that is:

    You may be surprised to learn that there are in fact wolves in sheep’s clothing.

  10. Anonymous

    If all candidates were to remove their “labels” or party affiliation, Republicans wouldn’t know who to vote for.

  11. leon redbone

    in Kansas, candidates who leave party affiliation off their
    propaganda never, ever win. This is why senior voters have
    told me they will not vote for goyle

    persons involved in making contributions also will not
    contribute to candidates who do not disclose their
    affiliation. voters do some surprising things but they
    are not as stupid as politicians wish they were

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