Over the weekend the Wall Street Journal had an online piece (Kansas GOP Could Be Its Own Worst Enemy) that mentioned how Raj Goyle, candidate for United States Congress from the fourth district, doesn’t mention his party affiliation on his website or campaign materials.
It’s not only Goyle that omits this information. A short while ago I received notice of a young man running for the Kansas House of Representatives for the 96th district. That district, currently represented by Republican Phil Hermanson, covers parts of south-central and southwest Wichita.
This candidate — Brandon Whipple is his name: what party is he running in? I’ve looked pretty carefully at his campaign website, and just like Goyle’s, I don’t see any political party affiliation mentioned.
Whipple apparently hasn’t yet filed for office, as the Sedgwick County election office doesn’t have him listed. So his party affiliation isn’t available there.
But his Facebook page gives it away. He’s a Democrat.
Why don’t Kansas Democrats like Goyle and Whipple prominently mention their party affiliation?
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