Kansas tea party coverage


‘Tea party’ rally attracts 1,000 in Wichita (Wichita Eagle) “Cheryl Green donned a Paul Revere uniform Wednesday and rode on horseback through the fringes of the crowd at a taxpayer ‘tea party’ to protest the federal economic stimulus package. ‘More taxes are coming! More taxes are coming!’ Green shouted before climbing onto a stage in a field in west Wichita to address about 1,000 people who attended the event.”

Pottawatomie County Tea Party (Kansas Meadowlark) “Pottawatomie County held one of the first Kansas Tea Parties as about 80 to 85 met on the steps of the Court House in Westmoreland from 10 AM till about noon today. Westmoreland only has a population of about 600 but Pott. County has almost 20,000 residents.”

Emporia Tea Party – Photo Essay (Kansas Meadowlark)

Kansas City Tea Party at Liberty Memorial (Kansas Meadowlark) “A huge Tea Party was held at the World War I Liberty Memorial in Kansas City Missouri yesterday.”

Overland Park Tea Party at Johnson County Community College (Kansas Meadowlark) “The Kansas City area had two large Tea Parties today, with one at the Liberty Memorial in Kansas City Missouri, and a second one in Overland Park at Johnson County Community College. Smaller Tea Parties were also held in Mission and Olathe on the Kansas side of the state line. Amanda Grosserode was the organizer for the first ‘stimulus protest’ in Overland Park back on Feb 21 at Congressman Moore’s office, and she and her team organized yesterday’s event.”

Topeka TEA rally draws over one thousand (Kansas Republican Assembly) “An estimated 1,500 Kansans attended the TEA rally in Topeka tonight. Speakers included grassroots activists such as Kim Borchers and Elizabeth Patton as well as community business leaders like Tara Dimick of the Topeka Independent Business Association. The rally was concluded with a short speech by U.S. Senator Sam Brownback.”

Salina March and Tea Party — Photo Essay (Salina Journal)

Tea’d off by taxes (Salina Journal) “Estimated 500 people gather to protest in Salina … Beka Romm had brought 300 fliers with her to Salina, and they were gone just 20 minutes after the crowd started to gather Wednesday in the commons between the Salina Public Library and the City-County Building.”

Goodland Tea Party — Photo Essay (Salina.com) “We had a great turn out: 75 people, including 7 high school students.”

Dodge City Tea Party — Photo Essay (Salina.com)

Junction City Tea Party — Photo Essay (Salina.com) “About 135 attended the Junction City Tea Party today in Geary County around noon.”

Many Kansans throw ‘TEA parties,’ but Lawrencians not among them (Lawrence Journal-World) “But in Lawrence, there are no parties planned.”

Tax revolution is brewing, ‘tea party’ protesters say (Kansas City Star) “Inflatable clappers pounded. Placards bobbed. And people cheered after every wordplay Wednesday evening on the grassy hill above Union Station, unified in their protest against government spending.”

Kansans protest with ‘TEA Party’ (Topeka Capital-Journal) “Hundreds of Kansans turned out Wednesday for rallies across the state to protest what they see as excessive taxes, a crushing federal debt and wasteful government spending. In North Topeka, a crowd estimated by police at up to 1,500 joined a so-called “TEA party” near a U.S. Postal Service building.”

A report from Emporia: “We had 125 but they are all ready to do something. I think we are going to start with studying the constitution in groups and they a July 4 party. Madison had 50.”

A report from Lakin: “The turnout in Lakin was also beyond expectation!!!! An estimate of 50-60 attended. The scheduled time was from 4-6. Tea Party supporters were still joining our group close to 6:00. Pictures and videos were taken and will be forthcoming. Rep. Gary Hayzlett stood with us and spoke. A letter of support from Congressman Todd Tiahrt was read. Law abiding citizens from Liberal, Leoti, Scott City, Garden City as well as Lakin joined the ‘Party”. Three media were present taking interviews and videos. Gusts of wind were a challenge but then again, not even a minimal price compared to those who gave their lives for our freedom.

A report from Independence: “I’d estimate about 100 in attendance in Independence. Ours was at noon, so there were many who were working that supported the effort and couldn’t make it.”


3 responses to “Kansas tea party coverage”

  1. Ken and Dorothy McKee

    please let us know when the next rally will be held, prefer western kansas. 9-13-09. Within driving distancae

  2. Ken and Dorothy McKee

    Plese let us know by e-mail about the nexxt rally. Prefer Western Kansas. 9-13-09?

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