The History of the Wyandotte Nation in Kansas and their Park City connection

From the Park City Chamber of Commerce.

Chief Billy W. Friend is Chief of the federally recognized Wyandotte Nation located in Oklahoma. He has 20+ years of diverse leadership and management experience in the Native American Community. Chief Friend has served the Wyandotte Nation in multiple capacities including as Director of Health Services, Director of Human Resources, Chief of Staff and Second Chief. He currently serves as the President of Wyandotte Gaming Enterprises and President of Wyandotte Technologies.

Under Chief Friend’s leadership, the Wyandotte Nation economically has grown to over 800 employees, with gross revenues of tribal enterprises producing over $100 million dollars, helping to fund and subsidize all tribal social service programs.

Many new programs have emerged for the Wyandotte people since his tenure as Chief began, including the youth summer intern program, allowing young tribal citizens to work and learn firsthand how the tribal organization operates and strives to improve the quality of life for those served, and the community at large. He established the first ever Tribal Town Hall meetings, held across the nation, as a way of connecting with the 5,000+ Wyandotte tribal citizens who live outside of Oklahoma, an effort to help them reconnect to their tribal heritage.

This was recorded at the Park City Chamber of Commerce meeting on September 26, 2019.


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