Search results for: “Charlie Claycomb”

  • Kansas primary legislative elections 2010

    Here’s a look at the August 3, 2010 Kansas primary election contests that had the possibility of changing the character of the Kansas House of Representatives, and in one case, the Kansas Senate.

  • A look at a David Dennis campaign finance report

    A look at a David Dennis campaign finance report

    It’s interesting to look at campaign finance reports. Following, a few highlights on a report from David Dennis, a candidate for Sedgwick County Commission.

  • Pay As You Go?

    On the rare occasions the mainstream national news media bothers to cover federal spending and taxes you are sure to hear the phrase, “pay as you go,” as the primary talking point of the new congressional Democratic majority. This phrase is supposed to reassure us now that the profligate “Bridge to Nowhere,” free spending Republicans…

  • Wichita Eagle endorsements out of step with Wichita

    Yesterday’s primary election for Wichita city and school board races revealed a Wichita Eagle editorial board increasingly out of step with voters, who followed several of the board’s recommendations but also voted strongly against several Eagle-endorsed candidates.

  • The Mississippi beef plant has a lesson for us

    Jackson, Mississippi has a lively talk radio station, WJNT, featuring both local shows and national shows. The hot topic of discussion on my trip to this city was what to do with the MCI settlement money, as the state had just negotiated a settlement with MCI of $100 million, for taxes MCI owed.

  • Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Tuesday January 18, 2011

    Today: Education reformer to speak in Kansas; Wichita council candidate websites spotted; schools’ funding claims questioned; Kansas schools rated; Insurance costs on the rise in Kansas.

  • Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Wednesday March 9, 2011

    Today: Kansas legislature website; Kansas smoking ban; fighting government secrecy; Kansas judicial selection; Kansas Education Liberty Act; what … it’s not about the whales?; Wichita council candidates; Common Sense — Revisited author in Wichita.

  • Kansas Chamber makes legislative endorsements

    Yesterday the Kansas Chamber Political Action Committee, an arm of the Kansas Chamber of Commerce, released its endorsements for the Kansas Legislature.

  • The long reach of teachers unions

    At one time teachers unions were professional organizations. Now they have been transformed into the same type industrial trade union that represents autoworkers or steelmakers, with the same political clout and parochial interests. This is at the same time that teachers demand respect for being professionals.