Click here to view the freshest edition of the newsletter from Voice For Liberty. This edition is dated April 24, 2022.
Some headlines:
- Kansas employment situation, March 2022. In Kansas for March 2022, the labor force grew slightly, the number of people working fell, and the unemployment rate was unchanged, all compared to the previous month.
- Kansas Tax Revenue, March 2022
- Kansas Personal Income
- Wichita employment situation, February 2022
- Kansas GDP, fourth quarter of 2021. In the fourth quarter of 2021, the Kansas economy expanded at the annual rate of 1.5 percent. Gross Domestic Product grew in 47 states, with Kansas ranking forty-sixth.
- Inflation high and rising in March
- Monthly State Tax Collections
- Updated: Kansas hotel guest tax collections
- Wealth in Kansas and the States
- Wichita since the start of the pandemic
- Migration trends in Kansas and the Nation
- Gross Domestic Product in Metropolitan Areas. Examining the economy of metropolitan areas in an interactive visualization. Wichita examples included.
- Gross Domestic Product in Kansas Counties Examining the economy of Kansas counties in an interactive visualization.
- Poverty and Income in Kansas Counties Charts of household income and poverty rate for counties in Kansas.
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