Still Oklahoma’s most wanted

A Wall Street Journal editorial explains the recent development in the case of Paul Jacob and two others in Oklahoma. This case is of interest for a few reasons.

First, I know and like Paul Jacob. He’s been at the forefront of the fight for term limits. The Oklahoma case stems from his advocacy of initiative and referendum, something we don’t have in Kansas.

Second, this case illustrates how government officials, in this case the attorney general of Oklahoma, can misuse their office and power for political gain. We in Kansas can only hope that our good neighbors to our south see through Drew Edmondson’s actions and refuse to elect him to any office.

Paul Jacob is president of Citizens in Charge. His commentary is found at Common Sense with Paul Jacob and Townhall.

The Journal editorial is Still Oklahoma’s Most Wanted.


One response to “Still Oklahoma’s most wanted”

  1. […] see: Wichita Liberty – Still Oklahoma’s Most Wanted Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)Maybe this Explains why Attorney General Drew […]

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