‘Liberty and the Constitution’ lecture announced

On Tuesday, January 26, 2010 at 7:00 pm in the beautifully restored Granada Theater in Emporia, the Emporia State University Lectures on Liberty begins its second year with a lecture on “Liberty and the Constitution” by Matthew Spalding of the Heritage Foundation. Dr. Spalding is the Director of the B. Kenneth Simon Center for American Studies at Heritage and is the author of We Still Hold These Truths: Rediscovering Our Principles, Reclaiming Our Future (ISI Books, 2009). He is also the editor of the Heritage Guide to the Constitution, an indispensable collection of essays on the founding document. Dr. Spalding will be available after the lecture to sign his book which will be for sale in the lobby of the theater. Lectures are free and open to the public.

ESU historian Gregory L. Schneider created the Lectures on Liberty series last year. Speakers last year were: Burton Folsom (Hillsdale College) and Vincent Cannato (University of Massachusetts-Boston). Confirmed speakers this spring include Dr. Spalding, Jonathan Bean, a historian from Southern Illinois University who will be speaking on Race and Liberty, and Benjamin Powell, an economist at Suffolk University, who will be speaking on the subject In Praise of Sweatshops. The Lectures on Liberty series is intended to promote discussion and awareness of issues of liberty in American history and he economy and to raise awareness of the founder’s vision for the American republic.

The Lectures on Liberty is underwritten by the Fred C. and Mary R. Koch Foundation in Wichita.

For more information contact Greg Schneider at (620) 341-5565 or by e-mail at gschneid@emporia.edu.

The Granada Theater is at 807 Commercial Street in downtown Emporia. Google maps shows that from Central and Rock Road in Wichita, it’s a 84 mile drive that should take one hour and 22 minutes. Click here for the Google map with driving directions.


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