Defending the American Dream Summit, Austin, Texas

Later this week I’ll be traveling to Austin, Texas to attend Americans For Prosperity’s Defending the American Dream Summit, also known as RightOnline Summit.

There will be many excellent speakers, including a favorite person of mine, Robert Novak, whose recent autobiography The Prince of Darkness: 50 Years Reporting in Washington I highly recommend.

Naturally, I’ll be blogging from this event. It’s possible that the weekly Kansas Blog Roundup might be delayed.

Also taking place in Austin at the same time is the Netroots Nation Convention (formerly known as YearlyKos), so hopefully this gathering of the “nutroots” will be balanced by the concentration of conservative and libertarian activists at the event I’ll be attending.


2 responses to “Defending the American Dream Summit, Austin, Texas”

  1. I am made curious by this statement: “So hopefully this gathering of the “nutroots” will be balanced by the concentration of conservative and libertarian activists…”

    Are the turnouts similar? Will you be liveblogging? Will anyone you are in touch be liveblogging? While I’ll be attending “nutroots,” I’d be interested in checking out any activities at RightOnline.

  2. While you are in Austin or even Washington TX please attend the conferences with LB Bork author of the
    [Red Amendment] book.Saturday August 2nd in AustinTexas at Brave New Books contact:Barbara Samuelson 512.431.6805 and also July 26th LB Bork will be speaking at THE PROMISE OF NORTH AMERICA rally in Washington,Texas contact Sally Jarnecke
    830-997-1908 for details. or Beth W for full flyers.

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