Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Wednesday May 4, 2011

Stripper bill III Ric Anderson of the Topeka Capital-Journal looks at some of the issues surrounding the “Community Defense Act,” which applies broad regulation to strip clubs. This year the serious issue of human trafficking has been used to promote this bill as necessary. Anderson pokes some large holes in that argument, most notably: “But if authorities know the problem [underage girls stripping] is happening and also know where it’s taking place, why haven’t they been able to stop it?” … The bill has passed the House but not the Senate. … Beside regulation of behavior inside strip clubs, the bill regulates everyone in a way that is unacceptable: “No person shall establish a sexually oriented business within 1,000 feet of any preexisting accredited public or private elementary or secondary school, house of worship, state-licensed day care facility, public library, public park, residence or other sexually oriented business.” These entities don’t have, and should not be given, the right to choose their neighbors. … House Republicans bucking leadership and voting — correctly — against this bill include Clay Aurand, Mike Burgess, Lana Gordon, Willie Prescott, Charles Roth, Sharon Schwartz, Tom Sloan, Kay Wolf, and Ron Worley.

Arts Commission funding in. It appears that funding for the Kansas Arts Commission will make its way into the budget that will be presented to Kansas Governor Sam Brownback. Now the governor faces a test: will he use his line-item veto power to cancel this funding? Brownback issued an Executive Reorganization Order that would have killed the commission, but the Kansas Senate, using its power to do so, overrode the order. But with the veto pen, the governor can still accomplish the same effect. See Kansas governor should veto arts commission funding.

Sunshine needed on public pensions and benefits. Investor’s Business Daily: As debates heat up in states across the country over budget shortfalls, more and more focus is being placed upon the runaway growth in health and pension benefits for state and local government workers. These excessive benefits are a major factor behind the exploding costs of government in many states. It is time to bring these costs under control before they completely overwhelm state and local budgets. … negotiations between governments and public sector unions lack transparency and accountability. Taxpayers are rarely made aware of the costly promises that public-sector unions are able to extract from state and local governments. Politicians often find it easier to reward unions with deferred payments for pensions and health care instead of offering salary or wage increases that appear immediately on the budget. Thus they are able to buy peace today by selling out the future.” … In Kansas, news media and editorial writers don’t help citizens learn the full magnitude of the problem, as few refer to the actual unfunded balance in KPERS, the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System.

Beyond the debt ceiling headlines. Will the country default on its debt if its ability to borrow more is not extended? Bankrupting America looks at the issue in the video Beyond the debt ceiling headlines. … Cutting spending is the key to avoiding default.


One response to “Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Wednesday May 4, 2011”

  1. A Miracle!

    Bob –

    It’s a miracle–we agree on something! Individual liberty extends to *all* people and businesses, whether you agree with their business or not. So if someone wants to set up a legal, adult business, let ’em! If you don’t like it, don’t go.

    First the Left and Right get together on Osama, now this. Let’s keep it up. There’s nothing Americans can’t do ;-)

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