Who Owns and Runs the KEEP Website?


The Kansas Energy and Environmental Policy Advisory Group (KEEP) has an impressive-looking website located at ksclimatechange.us. Just by looking at it, you’d think it was an official State of Kansas website, complete with a photograph of Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius and our state seal.

But who actually owns this website? A check reveals that the domain name is registered to a Thomas D. Peterson of Fairfax, Virginia. He also owns a few other domain names, including mnclimatechange.us, scclimatechange.us, flclimatechange.us, and wiclimatechange.us. These, of course, are websites for the states of Minnesota, South Carolina, Florida, and Wisconsin.

What does this mean? For me, it raises a question as to who is really running KEEP. Will the process be something that will benefit the people of Kansas, giving full recognition to what makes Kansas different from other states? Or is Kansas just another cog in the extremist Center for Climate Strategies machine?


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