Susan Wagle for Kansas Senate President

Tomorrow, the Kansas Senate meets to select its leadership. Senate Republicans could do Kansans a favor by electing Susan Wagle of Wichita to be senate president.

Part of the reason why a Wagle victory would be good for Kansas is her opponent, current senate president Stephen Morris of Hugoton. His political leanings are not right for Kansas as our state enters a tough budgetary period. His lifetime rating from the Kansas Taxpayers Network is 32.5%. There are many Democrats with better ratings. In a New York Times article from earlier this year (One Hand on Her Job, the Other Across the Aisle ), he was quoted as saying “But that’s the only major disagreement we’ve had since she took office,” referring to the expansion of the Holcomb Station coal-fired power plant. Someone who rarely disagrees with Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius is certainly someone who shouldn’t be in charge of leading the Kansas Senate.

Susan Wagle, on the other hand, disagrees with the governor on many things. She’d be a great leader of the Kansas Senate.


2 responses to “Susan Wagle for Kansas Senate President”

  1. James

    The position of senate state president demands that the leader has a vision of the future and the ability to implement the agenda. President Morris is more of an administrator and caretaker of the position with little initiative for change. Wagle is more forceful and more likely to set and implement a more conservative agenda.

  2. JDM

    Wagle would be my pick hands down. Sebelius and Morris created the situation we’re in with their 5% plus spending increases for the past five years, IT HAS TO STOP!

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