Strange happenings in Kansas at Washington Days

As reported by Martin Hawver in Hawver’s Capitol Flash:

Lobbyists were talking about one of the stranger receptions that they’ve attended in recent memory: one organized by [Kansas Governor Mark] Parkinson to introduced lobbyists and political operatives to Tom Holland, D-Baldwin City, who is seeking the governorship.

Strange: Lobbyists weren’t asked for checks, weren’t pressured, just given a chance, for free, to talk to Holland and learn more about him. That isn’t often done in Kansas.


5 responses to “Strange happenings in Kansas at Washington Days”

  1. Anonymous

    Probably not a new era in politics. It’s illegal to solicit a campaign contribution in the state of Kansas from a registered lobbyist from Jan. 1 until sine die of the legislature.

  2. Anonymous

    Yeah, not sure if Hawver is really up on the way campaign finance works. If Holland asked them for money in any way he’d have an ethics complaint against him along with a fine.

    What’s really strange is that Hawver finds people following the rules strange. Does this mean the Democrats regularly solicit donations from lobbyists at Washington Days while the legislature is in session?

  3. Anonymous

    You should probably take this post down since it doesn’t make sense. There’s nothing shocking about the law being followed. The headline is inaccurate, describing something as strange, when it is, in fact, common. The article is wrong to call the “happening” strange, when it is, in fact, just a candidate following the law.

  4. Anonymous

    Do Republicans regularly violate rules then?

  5. Anonymous

    I guess Martin Hawver sees it that way. Strange.

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