A look at actual spending on Kansas highways, apart from transfers.
- Spending on “Preservation” has been rising, but fell last year.
- Spending on “Expansion and Enhancement” has been rising.
- Spending on “Maintenance” has been level, with a small decline.
- Spending on “Modernization” has declined, then rose.
Again, these are dollars actually spent on highway programs. A common characterization of the way Kansas government is funded is called “robbing the bank of KDOT.” To the extent that characterization is accurate, there is a separate line item titled “Distributions to other state funds” that holds these values. It appears in the nearby table.
Sales tax revenue to the highway fund
July 1, 2010: 11.427%
July 1, 2011: 11.26%
July 1, 2012: 11.233%
July 1, 2013: 17.073%
July 1, 2015: 16.226%
July 1, 2016 and thereafter: 16.154%
A nearby chart shows the dollar amounts transferred to the highway fund from sales tax revenue. In 2006 the transfer was $98.914 million, and by 2016 it had grown to $517.698 million.

- Kansas Statutes Annotated 79-3620. ↩
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