Smoking ban advocate says some claims just smoke


In Kansas, accurate information is sometimes in short supply when talking about smoking bans. From Kansas Watchdog:

Opponents to a statewide total smoking ban say anti-tobacco advocates are playing a little loose with their facts.

They have an unlikely ally in Michael Siegel, a medical doctor and professor of community health sciences at Boston University’s School of Public Health. He’s a long-standing anti-tobacco advocate, a proponent of smoking bans and a strong critic of bad science.

In a story published Feb. 18 on his weblog, “The rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary,” Seigel wrote, “It is irresponsible to disseminate conclusions that are not supported by any scientific evidence, especially if that information will be used to infringe upon the freedom, autonomy, and rights of individuals.”

Read the entire story at Smoking Ban Advocate Says Some Claims Just Smoke.

Additional coverage of recent legislative testimony on this issue is at Fuzzy “Facts” vs Freedom in Smoking Ban Debate and Smoking Ban Bill Causes Controversy in House Committee.