Passage of budget stabilization bills indicates broad support for state savings account

From Americans For Prosperity – Kansas. This law is a good idea.

TOPEKA – The free-market grassroots group Americans for Prosperity-Kansas released the following statement in response to Senate passage of a budget stabilization fund.

“AFP has been advocating for the passage of a budget stabilization fund since its inception,” said AFP-Kansas state director Derrick Sontag. “It’s encouraging that our legislators see the importance of establishing a rainy day fund to help our state weather economic downturns.

“The House and Senate have approved different versions of the budget stabilization fund, with the Senate including a constitutional amendment in its bill. Both measures passed by wide margins, which indicates broad support for this legislation.

“We look forward to ongoing discussions in both chambers to reach a compromise, and encourage the Legislature to approve a final bill prior to adjournment.

“The concept of creating a savings account is not one that is new to Kansans. As individuals we plan and prepare for times of hardship, and it’s not unreasonable to expect our state government to do the same.”


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