Legislator’s guide to delivering better service at a better price

Service bell

From Kansas Policy Institute:

How can Kansas get to the point of lowering spending, lowering taxes, and allowing for more job creation? It is not an easy process, but “A Legislator’s Guide to Delivering Better Service at a Better Price” offers an outline. This road map from KPI was recently released and will be updated as new analysis is added and ideas are refined.

A few of the ideas from the guide:

  • Use the $2.5 billion held in cash reserves by state agencies to manage the process of lowering spending (Page 3).
  • Review discretionary spending. For instance, State agencies spent $5.8 million on Advertising in 2012 (Page 6).
  • Set up a privatization panel to deliver higher quality service at lower prices (Page 7).
  • Utilize priority-based budgeting that requires each agency to prioritize every program or service from most to least effective. Those on the bottom of the list can be considered for possible elimination and/or being scaled back (Page 7).

The report is at A Legislator’s Guide to Delivering Better Service at a Better Price: How to reduce government spending and create a better taxpayer experience.


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