Kansas tax revenue, September 2020

For September 2020, total Kansas tax revenue fell by 2.0 percent from last September. Over the three months of the current fiscal year, tax revenue rose by 29.7 percent.

Tax reports from the State of Kansas for September 2020 show tax revenues falling from the previous month, and still recovering from the effects of the response to the pandemic.

When reporting on Kansas tax collections, the comparison is usually made to the estimated collections. Those estimates were revised in April based on economic conditions affected by the response to the pandemic. To get a feel for the effects of the response to the pandemic, it is best to compare to the same month the prior year.

For September 2020, individual income tax collections were $358,607,241, down 4.4 percent from last September. Retail sales tax collections fell by 2.5 percent to $195,565,714. Total tax collections were $728,892,761, down 2.0 percent from the same month last year. A nearby table summarizes.

For fiscal year 2021, which started July 1, 2020, total tax collections are up by 29.7 percent over the same period of the previous fiscal year. The press release from the governor’s office noted that the change in tax deadlines is part of the reason for the increase. That hasn’t always been explained, as I show in In Kansas, explanations for tax collections may vary.

My report on tax revenue for April details some changes made by the estimating group.

My interactive visualization of Kansas tax revenue has been updated with August data. Click here to use it.


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