Kansas personal income

Personal income in Kansas rose in 2017 at a rate one-third that of the nation.

Personal income in Kansas for 2017 was $138,673 million, according to preliminary estimates released today by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, an agency of the United States Department of Commerce.

Change in personal income, 2016 to 2017. Click for a larger version and the BEA press release.
That is an increase of 1.0 percent from 2016, when personal income was $137,305 million. These are current dollars, not adjusted for inflation. 1

The growth for Kansas — 1.0 percent — ranked 47th among the states. For the nation, personal income rose by 3.1 percent, and for the Plains states, it rose by 1.7 percent.

BEA gives the population of Kansas as 2,913,000, with per capita personal income at $47,603. That ranks 24th among the states, and is 94 percent of the value of personal income for the entire nation, which is $50,392.

Personal income, according to BEA, is “the income received by, or on behalf of, all persons from all sources: from participation as laborers in production, from owning a home or business, from the ownership of financial assets, and from government and business in the form of transfers. It includes income from domestic sources as well as the rest of world. It does not include realized or unrealized capital gains or losses.” 2

For Kansas, there were these notable changes in earnings:
Farm: Down by 0.66 percent
Non-durable goods manufacturing: Up by 0.23 percent
Wholesale trade: Up by 0.11 percent
Transportation and warehousing: Up by 0.15 percent
Management of companies and enterprise: Up by 0.15 percent
Health care and social assistance: Up by 0.23 percent
State and local government: Up by 0.21 percent


  1. Bureau of Economic Analysis. State Personal Income: 2017. Available at https://www.bea.gov/newsreleases/regional/spi/sqpi_newsrelease.htm.
  2. Ibid.


2 responses to “Kansas personal income”

  1. how the kansas personal income in this year?

  2. […] Wichita Liberty’s Bob Weeks, however, is on top of it. He notes in a March 22 post that Kansas’ personal income growth in 2017 rose at one-third the rate of the rest of the nation. The Sunflower State ranked 47th in personal income growth. Its growth was lower than the national average and below the average for the plains states. Kansas notched growth of 1 percent, compared to nationwide growth in personal incomes of 3.1 percent, and 1.7 percent growth in the plains states. All of Kansas’ neighbors marked better rates. Missouri personal incomes grew by 2.1 percent, Colorado’s grew by 4 percent, Nebraska’s by 1.4 percent, and Oklahoma’s by 2 percent. […]

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