Kansas Office of the Repealer now open

Shortly after taking office, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback announced the “Office of the Repealer” which would look for unnecessary laws and regulations that should be repealed. Now the office has a website and is ready for business.

In the press release announcing the availability of the website that citizens can use to make suggestions, Brownback said: “The top priorities of my administration are to grow the state’s economy and get the more than 110,000 unemployed Kansans back to work. With the help of Kansans, the Office of the Repealer is working to identify laws and regulations that are out of date, unreasonable, and burdensome. State laws and regulations shouldn’t hinder opportunities for Kansans and Kansas businesses.”

Kansas Department of Administration Secretary Dennis Taylor is the Repealer. He said “My staff and I will run a cost-benefit analysis on each law or regulation that is submitted for review. The focus of the review will be on consumer protection. Laws picked for repeal will be sent to the originating body.”

It is promised that Taylor and his staff will send a status update within 30 days of receiving a recommendation.

The website for making suggestions is at Office of the Repealer. I’ve already made a suggestion, based on my article Kansas auto dealers have anti-competitive law on their side.


4 responses to “Kansas Office of the Repealer now open”

  1. sheila

    The State does not build or “own” casinos. THey simply are taking over 20% of the proceeds. Casinos AND all other privately owned businesses should have the right to allow smoking or not in their property. The State takes 10% of every sale in local taverns and pool halls too. THey do not clean the men’s room, or worry about fixing the plumbing. The difference in a casino and the neighborhood tavern is that the State takes a bigger chunk, and they have to gove the State a $250,000,000 deposit. OUCH! We do not want casinos to fail and we are already watching mom and pop businesses closing everyday, due to the ban. It is simple, if you allow only adults and you post signs on the doors, allow smoking if you want to. If 80% of people don’t want to go to these places, then they will fail. They were not failing before the ban.

  2. T. Trent

    Please reconsider the anti-smoking policy. As a former business owner, I feel we should have been able to make our “own” decisions on whether to allow that in our business. The government seens to be slowly taking away our FREEDOM OF CHOICE. Give us back a choice in the matter. I feel sorry for our Kansas casinos that allow smoking, then you try to take that away AFTER they opened their business.

  3. Anonymous

    Your force people that do smoke to go to another state to buy their cigarettes and gamble……….. you want their tax money, yet you raise it to force them to go elsewhere. Freedom of choice……….. If they want to smoke that should be their business, why not keep the in Kansas,let them have a choice.

  4. Anonymous

    As a woman, I always thought it should be “our” choice on abortion. What is next???? Will we all have to have a tubal ligation…………

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