Kansas income lags behind, tax burden rises

The income of Kansans is falling behind the national trend. In 1977, the starting year of this chart, per capita income in Kansas was only slightly below the national average. Since then Kansas has lagged behind the rest of the nation, and the gap is getting wider.

Kansas and U.S. per capita income

At the same time, Kansas, over the long term, is becoming a high tax-state. This chart shows Kansas’ rank among the states for tax burden. A low ranking means the burden is high. (I’ve presented the vertical axis in reverse order, so that as the line rises, it means the Kansas tax burden is increasing, relative to all other states.)

Over the 30 years represented in this chart, it’s evident that Kansas has trended from being a low-tax state to becoming a high-tax state. For much of the 2000s, Kansas was moving in the right direction. But for the past few years, Kansas is moving in the wrong direction, relative to other states.

Kansas local tax burden rank


4 responses to “Kansas income lags behind, tax burden rises”

  1. Ultimately all these taxes will drive people away. Some to shop and some for good.
    You can make downtown as pretty as you want but if people can’t afford to shop there, what good is it.
    Spending is out of control. (as if that’s news.)

  2. bman

    Wheat is at $4.00. why bother

  3. concerned

    What a bunk of whiny-a$$ed CONS.

    Pack it up and move the hell to Somalia where is no government!

  4. D. Losey

    “Kansas is moving in the wrong direction, relative to other states.”

    Could that be because there is no opportunity for public inititives or referendums? There will be no TABOR in Kansas! We must depend 100% on our elected officials to reign in spending. Fat chance!

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