Kansas HB 2014 vote analysis

In the Kansas House of Representatives, two votes were taken this year on HB 2014. The major purpose of this bill is to allow the building of a coal-fired power plant in Kansas.

The first vote, taken on February 27, 2009, was 79 Yes and 44 No. On April 3, 2009, the vote was 74 Yes and 48 No.

So what changed? I prepared the following table to spot the changes. For representatives whose votes changed, the word “Change” appears.

Two curious changes are Ray Merrick and Jason Watkins. I’m going to be in Topeka tomorrow, and I’ll try to track down these two and ask.

Kansas HB 2014 Vote Analysis

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One response to “Kansas HB 2014 vote analysis”

  1. LonnythePlumber

    Thank you for keeping us posted on the future of our utility bills.

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