Kansas Budget Lacks Solutions for Reform, says AFP’s Sontag

TOPEKA — The free-market grassroots group Americans for Prosperity — Kansas released the following statement in response to the Governor’s FY 2009 and FY 2010 budget proposal:

“The budget proposal released today offers no real solutions for budget reform, leaving it up to the Legislature to demonstrate some leadership at this important time,” said AFP — Kansas state director Derrick Sontag. “This proposal uses accounting tricks and relies on one-time-only funding sources that serve as a band-aid approach to our budget situation.”

“In addition, the so-called ‘tax policy changes’ included in this budget are merely tax increases by another name. These changes take $33 million from taxpayers that they would otherwise keep, which is in direct contradiction to the Governor’s claim that she wouldn’t raise taxes.”

“Over spending is what got our state into this situation, and over spending is a habit that must be broken in our state’s government. Had our Legislature held spending increases to five percent each year since 2004, we would have $2 billion in the bank.”

“Kansans deserve true budget reform in the form of a commitment to address wasteful spending in government.”

Contact: Jen Rezac (785) 354-4237


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