Kansas Budget Crisis Heats Up

It’s hard to know who’s on the right side in this matter. Facts seem to be in short supply, with contradictory statements coming from Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius and Kansas House and Senate Republican Leadership.

The Wichita Eagle’s Wichitopekington blog contributes these posts: Talking points for legislative secretaries, Senate leaders urge governor to call council meeting today, and Governor sends message to state employees, which holds the text of an email message the Governor sent today. Blaming, naturally, Republicans.

The Kansas Democratic Party has a post titled Tell Republicans to Stop Blackmailing and Get to Work, in which you can sign a petition. This site is not shy from using scare tactics such as articles titled Republican Budget Cuts Could Forces Schools to Fire Teachers.

The Kansas Republican Assembly blog has the posts House leadership responds to Sebelius lies and Who will blink first?.

In the post KS GOP Blasts Governor for Playing Politics with State Employees, Christian Morgan of the Kansas Republican Party claims that the Governor has the ability to do what needs to be done, but will not do so. There also the Statement from House Republican Leadership Regarding the Kansas Budget.

The Kansas Jackass is on top of this all with posts like Walkout of State Employees Possible, Employees Threatened, At the Statehouse: Democratic Leadership Responds to GOP Blackmail of Sebelius, and GOP Leadership Blackmails Sebelius, Puts State Payroll in Jeopardy.

The Kansas Trunkline, the official blog of the Kansas Republican Party, has What You Need to Know About the Kansas Budget Crisis and Governor Playing Politics with State Employees.

Can you make sense of this?


4 responses to “Kansas Budget Crisis Heats Up”

  1. […] some time to rifle through all of the links, but it’s well worth it. Thank you, Mr. Weeks. Here is the post for Voice for Liberty: It’s hard to know who’s on the right side in this matter. Facts seem to be in short supply, […]

  2. Jim Wagner

    I signed the Democratic Party’s petition. They’re right, the Republicans should stop playing games and get rid of all the socialist/communist programs altogether!

  3. Ben

    The Republicans leadership should stand strong and continue to insist on the additional cuts. The Governor wants to play it safe so that she can run for the Senate since Obama doesn’t want her in DC.

  4. […] Breaking: see Kansas Governor Addresses Budget Crisis and Kansas Budget Crisis Heats Up. […]

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