Jonah Goldberg, ‘Liberal Fascism’ author, to speak

A press release from Americans for Prosperity Foundation — Kansas. This will be an informative event. I’ll be there.

For Immediate Release — May 6, 2013
Contact: Jen Rezac, 785-354-4237

AFPF-Kansas to host policy luncheon on government overreach, high taxation, over spending

Topeka, Kan. — The Kansas chapter of Americans for Prosperity Foundation is pleased to announce that bestselling author and columnist Jonah Goldberg will speak in Topeka this week.

Goldberg, an American Enterprise Institute fellow, will address issues of government overreach, and heavy reliance on government, as well as high taxation and over spending.

“Americans are waking up to the fact that our federal government is encroaching further and further into our daily lives,” said AFPF-Kansas State Director Jeff Glendening. “We’re excited to bring Jonah to Kansas to speak to our AFPF citizen leaders, as well as legislators, about this issue and the effects of high taxation and government over spending on everyday citizens.”

Those attending the AFPF-Kansas luncheon will also have the opportunity to hear from AFP Foundation State Policy Manager Nicole Kaeding on Medicaid expansion, and Wichita’s leading conservative talker, radio host Joseph Ashby.

Friday’s luncheon is open to the public, but registration is required. To attend, please register online at

For those in Wichita, there is a bus trip available. The bus will leave Wichita at 8:30 am and return at 4:00 pm. More information is available when you register.


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