AFP event in Topeka draws grassroot activists to capitol

Yesterday Americans For Prosperity — Kansas held “Make the Calls and Flood the Halls,” an event at the Kansas Capitol.

AFP arranged for buses from both Wichita and Johnson County to bring grassroots activists to Topeka.

Most activists I talked to are very concerned about the level of spending in Kansas. The potential rollback of taxes reductions passed in previous years — a course recommended by the governor — is troublesome. Even though most of these activists are not business owners, they realize the important role that business activity and investment means to Kansas. The additional taxes that some want business to pay will mean that businesses will be able to employ fewer people.

Talking to legislators, I learned that most think the “veto session” so far has been mostly a waste of time. Even though the legislature has important and pressing matters to face, these are put off until the last few days the legislature is allowed to be in session. Then, often critical votes are taken at 3:00 a.m. when everyone is beaten down and too tired to care or reason.


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