No overarching theme emerged this week in Kansas blogs. Follow-up from the August 5 Kansas primary and Wichita school board action proved popular with readers.
A new (to me, anyway) and interesting Kansas blog is Jewish Simplicity, which blogs about “… simplicity, frugality and sustainability from a Jewish perspective …” Douglas and Main is a great place to learn about new Wichita blogs.
This week, coverage of a statement by Wichita Mayor Carl Brewer proved popular with Voice For Liberty in Wichita readers. A transcription of his remarks may be read in Wichita Mayor Carl Brewer, August 12, 2008, and commentary is here: Wichita Mayor Carl Brewer Saves Us From Covered Wagons.
In Kansas, fallout from the August 5 primary election continues. The Kansas Progress provides analysis of the Kansas Traditional Republican Majority and its efforts in the post Major GOP leaders denounce attack by new liberal group. A follow-up post is Views of state GOP toward left-wing group uncertain.
KTRM’s website appears to have been last updated in December, 2005.
Kansas Progress, which seems to be undergoing a commitment to more frequent posting, is seeking readers to sign up for its email updates. Visit here to sign up.
More coverage of Kansas Republican party politics can be found at the Kansas Republican Assembly blog in the post Kansas GOP denounces KTRM (kind of, sort of…). Kansas Liberty contributes a fine analysis in No major breakthroughs in Kansas’ right-left battle.
The Kansas Republican is frustrated and disappointed about all this, as expressed in Primary Synopsis/Frustrations (cont.). This blog contributes an interview in TKR’s Post-primary Interview with Greg Musil and Charlotte O’Hara, Co-Chairs of the Steve Howe for DA Campaign.
“Follow the money,” it is said, and that’s just what the Kansas Meadowlark excels at. Now campaigns in Kansas must file “last minute” reports, and the Meadowlark provides a summary and analysis in the post Summary of “Last Minute” PAC Contributions and Expenditures.
Also the Meadowlark reports on franking abuses by Kansas politicians at the state and federal level in Clerk of U.S. House hides franking records from average citizens.
Stay Red Kansas is quiet again. The Kansas Trunkline contributes Boyda Doesn’t Get It this week. The Kenig Konnection is mostly silent since the primary, contributing only one post.
The Kansas Federalist’s Currie Myers contributes analysis of a sales tax that passed in Johnson County to pay for public safety. Evidently the threat of increased property taxes was used to push the sales tax. We’ve had that in Sedgwick County, haven’t we? And since then, all the incumbent Sedgwick county commissioners who ran for re-election have been defeated.
In the post America’s Newspaper of Record, the Quiet Conservative makes the case for the National Enquirer.
The Wichita NAACP Blog reports on the commemoration of a fine moment in Wichita’s history in Celebrating 50 years since Dockum; Reflections on the 50th Anniversary Commemoration.
At Wichita 259 Truth, the Boondoggler wonders whether the Wichita school district’s bond issue priorities are taking into the schools that are failing to make adequate yearly progress: Bond Highlights BOE’s Misplaced Priorities.
At the Voice For Liberty in Wichita, coverage of Wichita schools and the proposed bond issue in How to Pass the Wichita School Bond Issue, Random Thoughts from a Wichita School Board Meeting, and Increasing the Wichita School Bond Issue: Why Was Courage Required?.
Somewhat related is a Wichita school board member’s taxpayer funds-grab as reported in Reverend Kevass Harding’s Wichita TIF District: A Bad Deal in Several Ways and Testimony Opposing Tax Increment Financing for the Ken Mar Redevelopment Project.