It’s now WordPress

Here at the Voice For Liberty in Wichita I’ve made the switch from Drupal to WordPress as my blogging platform. There’s really nothing wrong with Drupal; it’s just that WordPress is very good, and after four years with Drupal, maybe it was time for a switch.

A few things may not be working, but I’ll get to them soon. The photography is all mine.


2 responses to “It’s now WordPress”

  1. I love it! Where, exactly, is that picture from?

  2. Bob Weeks

    That’s a panoramic photo I took in May 2004, in the Flint Hills of Kansas. I believe this photo was taken from the “cowboy road” between Elmdale and Cottonwood Falls. This link to a Google map is my best recollection of the exact location of that photo:,-96.605873&spn=0.090579,0.150375&t=h&z=13

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