I’m using a different theme

Today I’ve made a switch in the theme this blog uses.

Last year, at about this time, I switched the underlying system this blog uses, changing from Drupal to WordPress. There isn’t really anything wrong with Drupal, but it does a lot more than what is needed for blogging. Also, I felt — and experience has confirmed — that Google treats a WordPress blog better than a Drupal blog. At least that has been my experience.

At the time I switched to WordPress, I selected the Cutline theme, created by Chris Pearson. It’s a great WordPress theme.

But as time goes on, a little change is good now and then. Pearson has created a new and very highly-regard theme called Thesis. It’s not free, as is Cutline. But after studying, I decided that I’d like to switch to Thesis. So I bought it, and you’re looking at its initial implementation.

The Thesis theme is highly customizable, but I haven’t done much of that yet. There’s also the chance that some things might not be working right now. I’d be interested in your impressions, and, of course, your feedback if something isn’t working as it should be.


3 responses to “I’m using a different theme”

  1. LonnythePlumber

    I like the two columns for previous blogs. Makes it easier to review them.

  2. I like it, Bob- it’s a handsome theme.

  3. Mike


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