Death goes to Washington

Wendy Aylworth in DC 01Wichita’s Wendy Aylworth, dressed as the grim reaper, appears in Washington, D.C. (For a larger version, click on the photo, then click on “All sizes.”)

Wichita activist Wendy Aylworth has taken her cause, Morticians for National Health Care, to Washington. This group, a tongue-in-cheek preview of the future Wendy believes we face under ObamaCare, seeks to inject a little humor and satire into the debate over health care reform.

(I know, there aren’t death panels mentioned in the current health care bills working their way through Congress. The President also says that care isn’t going to be rationed. But there’s simply no way the cuts in Medicare spending can be accomplished without restricting care to seniors, and that means some will die sooner than they would have otherwise. The Obama administration is proposing big cuts in reimbursement rates to specialists, which will have the effect of making less care available to seniors. The proposed increase in reimbursement rates for primary care physicians may make up some of the difference.)

Wendy Aylworth in DC 03

Wendy — as the grim reaper — delivered a talk at a recent tea party event in Wichita. You can view the video of that event by clicking on Morticians for National Health Care.


2 responses to “Death goes to Washington”

  1. Regarding healthcare “rationing,” anyone who says that a scarce good need not and will not be rationed needs to take an Econ 101 class. Because citizens demand more healthcare than would be available for free, the market imposes something called a “price” to ration healthcare. If the statists get their way and implement “free” healthcare, all of a sudden the rationing mechanism would shift to a bureaucratic imposition of waiting in line, denying coverage, etc.

    Some say, “These things already exist in the current system.” True, and they will continue to exist in any system. Rationing is inescapable — the question is simply, “Who makes the rationing decisions, by what standard are the decisions made, and who ends up with what?” The conflict is between those who say we should shift away from a quasi-public/private system (the state carries a lot of weight in the current system) to a more free-market system vs. a more socialized system. Everyone seems to agree that the system is broken as it is, and everyone needs to agree that rationing is inescapable whenever a scarce good exists. I am more interested in hearing how Obama plans to ration healthcare, rather than hearing the economically absurd assertion that healthcare will not be rationed.

  2. Benjamin

    We love you Wendy! Get em’!

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