RightOnline in Las Vegas this week

Later this week the RightOnline Conference takes place in Las Vegas, Nevada.

This is the third year for this conference. It’s held at the same time — and in the same city — as the Netroots Nation. Or NutRoots, take your pick.

The event features a lot of training and some great speakers. Michele Bachmann will headline the Friday dinner, and the Saturday general session features speakers like Andrew Napolitano, Mike Pence, Robert McDowell, Herman Cain, Erick Erickson, and John Fund.

RightOnline is sponsored by the Americans for Prosperity Foundation. Click on Podcast: Erik Telford Previews the RightOnline Conference to hear an interview with AFP’s Erik Telford. To keep up on Twitter, the hasthag is #ro10.


One response to “RightOnline in Las Vegas this week”

  1. […] Later this week the RightOnline Conference takes place in Las Vegas, Nevada. […]

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