Left-wing sincerity exposed

It’s often alleged by the political left that conservative and libertarian activists are nothing more than Astroturf, meaning false or fake grassroots activism. The charge is that the activists are duped into — or paid for — engaging in political activism. Which makes the following video from the Koch Industries Koch Facts site all the more interesting. Here’s the description of the video on YouTube:

“Robert Greenwald’s Brave New Foundation is paying people like Jesse Lava to make harassing phone calls to Koch Industries as part of their ‘Koch Brothers Exposed’ propaganda videos. But when he fails to properly hang up the phone, Jesse’s true character is revealed.”

It’s worth clicking below to view this video that’s one and one-quarter minutes in length:


2 responses to “Left-wing sincerity exposed”

  1. Jesse Lava is a turd. I’m a conservative independent and have my own business. If the the folks on the left can put out this kind of dialogue, then it’s OK for me to call the guy a turd! What a poor excuse for a human being?

  2. Matt

    Within the first 5 minutes I had to google who put out this documentary due to the load of crap I was being fed. I hope no one feeds into this horrible twist of facts and history. What a joke of a film.

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