Koch executives respond to fraudulent call

This week a prankster called Wisconsin governor Scott Walker and pretended to be David Koch, who is executive vice president of Koch Industries.

Responding to the fraudulent call in National Review Online, Koch executives pledged to continue supporting free enterprise, free markets, and economic freedom in spite of opposition generated as part of an “orchestrated campaign” headed by the Obama Administration and groups like Center for American Progress. Bringing in labor groups is an escalation not seen before. The prank call is described as “fraudulent.”

Koch Executives Speak Out on Wisconsin

“We will not step back at all.”
By Robert Costa

Madison, Wis. — Earlier this week, a blogger impersonating industrialist David Koch spoke with Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, who is attempting to pass a budget-repair bill. The conversation between Walker and the poseur, which was recorded, has received heavy media attention and turned the national spotlight onto the political activities of Koch Industries, a private, Wichita-based company with diverse holdings.

In interviews with National Review Online, Koch executives responded to the incident and pledged to “not stop” supporting free-enterprise initiatives, even as opponents attempt to sully the Koch name and the groups that brothers David and Charles Koch, the company’s co-owners, support. They also noted that David Koch and the governor have never met or spoken.

Continue reading at National Review Online.


3 responses to “Koch executives respond to fraudulent call”

  1. Anonymous

    if a person can believe Koch then something wrong. If for instance They gave the gov. in Wisconsin 45 thousand plus free advertisement. I understand that they want to buy the power plants in Wisconsin for pernnies on the Dollar. My impression is that Koch Bros bought and paid for 2 supreme court Judges to get them to change the law on giving to political parties. They went to a meeting where they gave 4 speeches and got paid for it. It is too bad that along with the Republican party – these industries are trying to make more profit and destroy our Democracy. That is the effect of Corporations buying American elections. If the Unions need to ask their members for permission to give money to the politicians then the companies should ask their stock holders also for permisssion. How to destroy this country just ask the big corporations and that is the answer. Enough said Don

  2. Anonymous

    There’s enough misinformation in the above comment to fill a book.

    First, Koch industries has said it does not want to buy power plants. That company doesn’t own any now anywhere. So I think your “understanding” is not correct.

    Then, the Federalist Society, as part of a conferences hosted by the Kochs, reimbursed the expenses of two Supreme Court justices for giving dinner speeches. This is exactly what judges and other public officials do all the time. They weren’t paid, as you say. Their expenses were reimbursed.

    The case you refer to wasn’t even an issue when these speeches were given.

    Don, you seem like you’ve been fed a load of misinformation. Did all this come from Rachel Maddow? Or the local union steward? I would suggest you take the time to become informed.

  3. Ann H.

    “If the Unions need to ask their members for permission to give money to the politicians then the companies should ask their stock holders also for permisssion.”

    These don’t exactly equate. In many places, a person is *forced* to join a union, or at least forced to give unions dues money, to have their job. I have a friend who is a teacher who hates what the teacher’s union does and how liberal it is, but he has to be in it. That these people’s money should go to supporting politics they abhor just so they can have a job is abominable. Even people who aren’t forced to be in a union might want to be in a union for whatever reason, but do not agree with far-left politics and don’t want their money to support it. They should definitely be able to choose whether or not their money goes to support politics they don’t agree with.

    On the other hand, if shareholders don’t like what a company is doing they can sell their stock and buy stock in another company. No one’s forcing them to be stockholders.

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