Activist Training to be Held in Wichita

On Saturday February 28, American Majority and Americans For Prosperity will hold Special Joint Activist Training In Wichita, KS. Here’s more information from American Majority:

The training will be hosted by American Majority and AFP — Kansas, who will be presenting exclusive training to enable common citizens to make a difference in their communities by using tools of information, resources, and by networking with other like-minded individuals and organizations.

The training will be hosted at the Wichita AFP office at 800 E. 1st Street, Ste. 401 in historic Old Town in Wichita, KS.

Presentations that will be offered include:

  • Building Coalitions, Reaching Your Community, and Organizing Meaningful Events
  • Holding Your Elected Officials Accountable
  • Getting Involved in State and Local Political Campaigns
  • New Media: Op-Eds, Blogs, Wikipedia Projects and more

Breakfast and lunch will be served and the cost for each attendee is $10.00.

Learn more about this event and register at this link: Special Joint Activist Training In Wichita, KS


One response to “Activist Training to be Held in Wichita”

  1. Wish I could attend this – I work EVERY Saturday of my life! But I will put the info on the meetup calendar so that others can get there! Thanks for the heads up!

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