Going green can cost too much green

“For two years, the city of Durango, Colo., bought electricity for all its government buildings from wind farms. The City Council ended that program this year, reverting to electricity derived from coal-burning plants and saving the cash-strapped city about $45,000.”

That’s the start of the USA Today article Going green can cost too much green. It’s becoming evident that all across the world, people are beginning to realize that “green” power sources are expensive.

Even green jobs — promoted by radical environmentalists as a way to save our economy from depression — don’t pay off. It was recently discovered that each green job created in Spain cost $774,000.

We can’t afford to create very many jobs with that price tag.

Here in Kansas, we’ve just reached a compromise agreement that will allow a coal-fired power plant to be build in Kansas. The agreement comes with increased costs, however. For one, the smaller plant won’t be able to enjoy the same economies of scale as the two larger plants. Then, the concessions made will also drive up the cost of the electricity the plant will generate.


One response to “Going green can cost too much green”

  1. Showalter

    Sun light is good for 8 hours, wind blows sometimes too fast for windmills. Hydro is great, unless you have too much of the wet stuff. Natural gas is great almost all the time unless you dont burn it, then you have 25 times the GHG. So burn natural gas in 1.0 meg to 2.0 megs and plate the storage shops to safe the units from storms. Then you have power 24/7 even after large storms. Replace the lines, then start them up. Replacement parts are fast to return unlike PV that is blown away, or wind mills that blow over and take a long time to replace. But who am I? :)

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