Geophysicist to testify before EPA

Today Wichita Geophysicist Dennis Hedke is in Arlington, Virginia to testify before the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding the science of global warming, or climate change.

Hedke says “The EPA’s findings present serious conflicts and discrepancies with very well documented data related to such issues as the human-induced contribution of CO2 to the greenhouse gas mix, recent temperature history of the earth and projected temperature / CO2 linkages, projections of sea level rise, oceanic pH conditions projected to disrupt calcification and coral growth, misinformation with respect to projected hurricane intensity and overall precipitation events. These opinions reach further into the political domain, implying national security to be at risk if we do not act immediately to curtail the impacts of their climate change predictions.”

Following are a press release and Hedke’s testimony. More information from Hedke on this important topic may be read by clicking on Wichita Geophysicist explains climate science data.

(These are Scribd documents. Click on the rectangle at the right of the document’s title bar to get a full-screen view.)

Dennis Hedke press release regarding EPA testimony, May 18, 2009

Publish at Scribd or explore others: Science Research climate change global warming

Dennis Hedke EPA testimony, May 18, 2009

Publish at Scribd or explore others: Science Research climate change global warming


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