Voting and Registration in States and Counties


Charts of voting and registration in states and counties.

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Registration and voting rates for voting-age population. 2014 through 2022 general elections.

Cost of Voting Index

Trump Vote and Population in Counties
Logarithmic horizontal scale. 2020.

Voter Turnout in Counties
Percentage of citizen population aged 18 or older who voted in the 2020 US Presidential election. Shown as difference from unweighted mean county value 65.7%.

Voting in Counties
Percent of votes cast by mail. Size proportional to county population. 2020 general election.

Voting in Counties
Percent of votes cast by mail. Color indicates county vote degree of partisanship. Horizontal axis is logarithmic. 2020 general election.

Voting in November 2022 Election
Percent of registered voters in each state who voted, shown as difference from national value. Size in proportion to number of votes cast.

Voter Turnout by State
Percent of voting-age population. 2022 general election.
Shown as difference from weighted mean state rate of 42.8%.

Voter Turnout by State
Percent of voting-eligible population. 2022 general election.
Shown as difference from weighted mean state rate of 46.6%.

Voter Turnout by State
Percent of voting-age population ineligible to vote because of felon status. 2022 general election.


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