Tax collections by state and local governments fell by about one percent during calendar year 2020 when compared to the year before.
Tax collection data from the United States Census Bureau shows state and local government tax collections falling only slightly during 2020, despite the effects of the pandemic.
This data is gathered by the Quarterly Summary of State & Local Tax Revenue (QTAX) program. The Bureau’s report for the fourth quarter of 2020 is available here.
These values are not adjusted for inflation, but with low rates in recent years, comparing adjacent years is not a major problem.
Note that for Kansas, tax collections per resident in calendar year 2019 were $3,514. For 2020, it was $3,527, an increase of $13 per person (0.37 percent). For nearby states, some saw a rise in revenue, and some saw a fall. For all states, collections fell to $3,355 from $3,388. This is a decline of $33 per person, or 0.98 percent. A nearby table illustrates.

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