Presidential data explorer

Explore the economic record of presidents, starting with Harry S Truman.

To examine the record of presidents regarding economics, I gathered data from several sources and present it in an interactive visualization. Data includes:

  • Jobs
  • Labor force
  • Unemployment
  • Dow Jones stock market index
  • Gross Domestic Product
  • Inflation

For each president, data is presented by month, with the first month of each president’s term having number one. Presidents that served two full terms have data up to month 96 of their term, while others have fewer months. A nearby example shows the proportional growth in the Dow for each month of a president’s first term.

Data is shown in several views:

  • A table.
  • A chart showing the monthly value of a statistic by month for each president.
  • A chart showing the change in the absolute value of a statistic by month for each president.
  • A chart showing the proportional change in the value of a statistic for each president.
  • Grids of the same data.

For most views, you may select a range of months and which presidents appear.

Most data starts with the Truman administration in April 1945, and is current through June 2020.

Click here to learn more about the data and access the visualization.

Example from the visualization. Click for larger.


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