Personal Income in the Counties

How does Sedgwick County compare to other counties?

In my interactive visualization of county data, it is possible to compare any county to others and to the nation as a whole. (The visualization is available at Visualization: Personal Income by County.

Table 2 of the visualization presents county data showing two variables:

  • The average annual change as compared to the nation.
  • The rank among the displayed counties.

The table may be filtered by the range of years to consider and the county’s population in 2020. The table may be sorted by any column.

In a nearby illustration, we see a portion of Table 2 for:

  • Counties of population (2020) from 250,000 to 1,000,000,
  • for the years 2010 through 2020,
  • for the variable Personal Income,
  • sorted by county name.

We can see that for Sedgwick County, the average annual change of Personal Income is 0.90 percent lower than the average change of the nation. (If the average for the nation was, for example, 3.0 percent, Sedgwick County would be 2.1 percent.) This ranks 182 among the 231 matching counties.

Looking at other variables, we see this:

  • Per Capita Personal Income: -0.68 percent compared to nation, 185 in rank.
  • Population: -0.20 percent, 149 rank.
  • Total Employment: -0.78 percent, 194 rank.
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