Kansas GDP growth slows

In the first quarter of 2018, the Kansas economy grew at the annual rate of 0.5 percent in real terms, slowing from the previous quarter.

In the first quarter of 2018, the Kansas economy grew at the annual rate of 0.5 percent in real (inflation-adjusted) dollars, according to statistics released today by Bureau of Economic Analysis, a division of the United States Department of Commerce. GDP for the quarter was at the annual rate of $161,551 million.

This is a decline in the rate of growth from the fourth quarter of 2017, when the rate was 2.3 percent.

Click for larger.
The first quarter numbers put Kansas in 47th position among the states, with only Arkansas, Idaho, and North Dakota posting lower numbers. Quarterly GDP can be volatile, as shown in the nearby chart.

For Kansas, industries that differed markedly from the state average include:

Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting, down by 1.08 percent.
Wholesale trade, down by 0.13 percent.
Management of companies and enterprises, up by 0.07 percent.
Administrative and support and waste management and remediation services, unchanged.
Educational services, up by 0.01 percent.
Arts, entertainment, and recreation, down by 0.03 percent.
Accomodation and food services, down by 0.03 percent.


One response to “Kansas GDP growth slows”

  1. Unhappy Wichitan

    Since Kansas fiscal policy is being set by unelected judges on the Kansas Supreme Court, soaring taxes are now hurting our state’s economy to pay for judicial mandates. This looks likely to continue regardless of who gets elected to the statehouse in November. Spending must be paid and Kansas taxpayers need to pay more to keep the judges happy. This will hurt the Kansas economy.

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