Gross Domestic Product by County and Industry

A visualization of real gross domestic product in counties by industry. Examples from Kansas included.

This interactive visualization presents annual gross domestic product (GDP) by county and industry. The source of the original data is Bureau of Economic Analysis, an agency of the United States Department of Commerce. I’ve gathered this data, performed some calculations, and present it in an interactive visualization. BEA provides these values as real, meaning adjusted for inflation. Data ranges from 2001 to 2021. I also incorporate BEA’s county population estimates to produce per capita values.

Table 2 of the visualization presents the county difference for an industry. It ranks the counties within the size group(s) selected. In the nearby example, I show values for all industry total, for the 137 largest counties (population over 500,000). The time frame is 2010 through 2021. We see the value for Sedgwick County is negative $52,708, which ranked 74th among large counties. If we switch the industry to manufacturing, Sedgwick County’s rank is seven, reflecting the importance of manufacturing in the Wichita area. For the finance and insurance industry — something Wichita is not known for — the rank is 111th.

Table 3a presents the GDP values for one or more counties by industry. I chose these counties because they are in Kansas or nearby. Others are counties holding cities which Wichita leaders visited as part of a city-to-city visit program.

To learn more about this data and access the interactive visualization, click on Visualization: Real Gross Domestic Product by County and Industry.

The news release for this data is Gross Domestic Product by County, 2021.


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