Economic principles to be applied at event in Wichita

The Americans for Prosperity Foundation announces a meeting with the title “Applying Economic Principles to Current Events and International Issues.”

The special guest presenters at this meeting are Gabriella Megyesi and Gregory Rehmke. These two speakers are also presenting at the Free the World Seminar 2010. This evening event allows people who are unable to attend the three-day seminar a chance to hear from these presenters.

The event will be held on Tuesday, July 27, 2010, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm at the Wichita Downtown Public Library at 223 S. Main, on the third floor.

Gabriella Megyesi taught economics at the Britannica International School in Budapest, Hungary, and earlier taught economics (in English) at Alternaltív Kôzgazdásgi Gimnázium, a Hungary’s first private school after the fall of communism. She currently develops course materials on economics and entrepreneurship, as well as speaking regularly for Economic Thinking and the Foundation for Teaching Economics seminars.

Gregory Rehmke directs programs for Economic Thinking and lectures at seminars for the Foundation for Economic Education, the Independent Institute, and the Institute for Economic Studies-Europe. He is coauthor of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Global Economics.

For more information contact John Todd at or 316-312-7335, or Susan Estes, AFP Field Director at or 316-681-4415.


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