Category: Kansas state government

  • Kansas tax revenue, August 2020

    Kansas tax revenue, August 2020

    For August 2020, total Kansas tax revenue fell by 43 percent from July, reflecting the tax deadline postponement from April to July.

    Tax reports from the State of Kansas for August 2020 show tax revenues recovering from the effects of the response to the pandemic.

    When reporting on Kansas tax collections, the comparison is usually made to the estimated collections. Those estimates were revised in April based on economic conditions affected by the response to the pandemic. To get a feel for the effects of the response to the pandemic, it is best to compare to the same month the prior year.

    For August 2020, individual income tax collections were $270,957,227, up 1.2 percent from last August. Retail sales tax collections rose by 0.9 percent to $207,091,484. Total tax collections were $543,492,901, up 9.3 percent from the same month last year. A nearby table summarizes.

    My report on tax revenue for April details some changes made by the estimating group.

    My interactive visualization of Kansas tax revenue has been updated with August data. Click here to use it.

  • Kansas tax revenue, July 2020

    Kansas tax revenue, July 2020

    For July 2020, total Kansas tax revenue rose by 97.7 percent from last July, reflecting the tax deadline postponement from April.

    Tax reports from the State of Kansas for July 2020 reveal some of the effects of the response to the pandemic on state finances.

    When reporting on Kansas tax collections, the comparison is usually made to the estimated collections. Those estimates were revised in April based on economic conditions affected by the response to the pandemic. To get a feel for the effects of the response to the pandemic, it is best to compare to the same month the prior year.

    This year, however, as a response to the pandemic, the state delayed the tax filing deadline from April to July. The effect of this can be seen in both individual and corporate income tax collections. For July 2020, individual income tax collections were $619,554,243, up 173.6 percent from last July. Corporate income tax collections were $69,793,599, up 357.9 percent from last July.

    Retail sales tax collections rose by 6.9 percent to $204,575,638. Total tax collections were $980,841,216, up 97.7 percent from the same month last year. A nearby table summarizes.

    My report on tax revenue for April details some changes made by the estimating group.

    My interactive visualization of Kansas tax revenue has been updated with July 2020 data. Click here to use it.

    Example from the visualization. Click for larger.
  • Kansas tax revenue, June 2020

    Kansas tax revenue, June 2020

    For June 2020, total Kansas tax revenue fell by 4.8 percent from last June. For the just-completed fiscal year 2020, revenue was down by 5.7 percent from the previous year.

    Tax reports from the State of Kansas for June 2020 reveal some of the effects of the response to the pandemic on state finances.

    When reporting on Kansas tax collections, the comparison is usually made to the estimated collections. Those estimates were revised in April based on economic conditions affected by the response to the pandemic. To get a feel for the effects of the response to the pandemic, it is best to compare to the same month the prior year.

    For June 2020, individual income tax collections were $353,085,379, down 9.0 percent from last June. Retail sales tax collections rose by 1.9 percent to $202,954,351. Total tax collections were $744,387,640, down 4.8 percent from the same month last year. A nearby table summarizes.

    June also marks the end of fiscal year 2020. For the year, individual income tax was down by 11.1 percent, retail sales tax was up slightly, and all other taxes down by 1.6 percent. In sum, tax revenue fell from $7,471,302,208 in fiscal year 2019 to $7,049,143,310 in fiscal year 2020, a decline of 5.7 percent.

    My report on tax revenue for April details some changes made by the estimating group.

    My interactive visualization of Kansas tax revenue has been updated with June data. Click here to use it.

    Example from the visualization. Click for larger.
  • Kansas tax revenue, May 2020

    Kansas tax revenue, May 2020

    For May 2020, total Kansas tax revenue fell by 20 percent from last May.

    Tax reports from the State of Kansas for May 2020 reveal some of the effects of the response to the pandemic on state finances.

    When reporting on Kansas tax collections, comparison is usually made to the estimated collections. Those estimates were revised in April based on economic conditions affected by the response to the pandemic. To get a feel for the effects of the response to the pandemic, it is best to compare to the same month the prior year.

    For May 2020, individual income tax collections were $215,902,744, down 22.3 percent from last May. Retail sales tax collections declined by 13.6 percent to $173,858,126. Total tax collections were $448,655,015, down 20.3 percent. A nearby table summarizes.

    My report on tax revenue for April details some changes made by the estimating group.

    My interactive visualization of Kansas tax revenue has been updated with May data. Click here to use it.

    An example from the visualization. Click for larger.
  • Kansas tax revenue experiences effects of pandemic response

    For April, Kansas retail sales tax collections fell by 8.2 percent from last April, and much income tax revenue is deferred to July.

    Two reports from the State of Kansas reveal some of the effects of the response to the pandemic on state finances.

    On the current situation, the Consensus Revenue Estimating Group remarked, “given the magnitude and number of uncertainties that currently exist, and the potential for volatility of our forecasts has never been higher.” The group met on April 20, 2020, and issued its long-form report dated April 30.

    For revenue, the group “decreased the overall estimate for FY 2020 and FY 2021 by a combined $1.272 billion relative to the previous estimate made in November.” Fiscal year 2020 ends on June 30, 2020.

    When reporting on Kansas tax collections, the comparison is usually made to the estimated collections. Those estimates have been revised in April. To get a feel for the effects of the response to the pandemic, it is best to compare to the same month the prior year, with a few caveats.

    For example, individual income tax revenue fell by $526 million (65.0 percent) from last April, based on a revenue report released on May 1. Corporate income tax revenue fell by nearly the same percentage. The estimating group notes that the deadline for filing and paying these taxes was moved from April to July, which explains the steep decline. The CRE group estimates $645.8 million of tax revenue will be deferred to July, which is in fiscal year 2021. Note that this revenue is deferred, meaning the state still expects to collect it, as it reflects economic activity during calendar year 2019, before the response to the pandemic.

    Retail sales tax collections fell by $16 million (8.2 percent) from last April. For all excise taxes, which includes retail sales tax, revenue fell by $11 million (4.5 percent). Compensating use tax rose by $5 million (14.9 percent).

    My interactive visualization of Kansas tax revenue has been updated with April data. Click here to use it.

  • Regulation reform could jump-start Kansas economy after COVID

    Regulation reform could jump-start Kansas economy after COVID

    By Michael Austin.

    The COVID-19 outbreak has not only posed a severe public health risk, but actions to combat it now risk a global economic collapse. With nearly half of all Kansas hourly jobs gone, the Kansas Department of Labor is overwhelmed processing unemployment claims. Roughly 40 percent of Kansas small businesses are shuttered, with more than half of them saying they are weeks away from closing permanently.

    Kansans need a pathway through this economic disaster. Will we come back stronger than ever before, or fall deep into an economic depression? To paraphrase our state maxim, we can reach for the stars and find better days ahead if we follow the common-sense path.

    First, Kansas needs occupational licensing reform, with the most excellent examples of success from Gov. Laura Kelly herself. In March, Kelly waived some licensure requirements, making it easier for physicians to work in Kansas. This fantastic move needs expansion, not a reversal once the virus passes.

    From nurses to HVAC technicians, all licensed professionals should be able to work as soon as they cross the border. Good licensing reform protects the public, encourages movement into Kansas, and provides Kansas young adults with a flexible career path.

    Kansas needs regulatory reform. Due to the statewide stay-at-home order and voluntary action, countless Kansas businesses shut their doors to “flatten the curve.” Pulling back regulations can prime them to reopen them quickly.

    The Kansas Department of Commerce could create a one-stop-shop for all state applications and fees. KDHE and local agencies can fast track the reopening of restaurants with a history of reliable inspections. It takes four and a half weeks to read Kansas state regulations one time (assuming reading 40 hours a week). Allowing businesses to open doors quickly, when public safety allows, gives Kansans precisely what they need to get back to work.

    Our leaders must also realize that we need a financially solvent government that encourages the Kansas spirit more than ever. That’s not an invitation for more stimulus, and issuing more debt to Kansans. Such methods didn’t work in 1932 and 2008, and it won’t work today. Kansas policymakers should work to simultaneously grow the rainy day fund while lowering the tax burden on Kansans. That means enforcing performance-based budgeting, matching tax dollars to specific improvements in Kansans’ lives. It also means passing the tax windfall, which rewards Kansas for their donations and gifts during the public health crisis. Finally, restore honesty in property taxation, so Kansans don’t lose their homes when times already are trying.

    The COVID-19 outbreak is not a crisis to be seized upon. Any Kansans policy must focus on “flattening the curve” today. Tomorrow, however, we’ll need different guidelines to jump-start the recovery.

    Kansas — and America — will recover. The next decade can be better than the last if we give families and businesses the flexibility to grow stronger. Whether the difficulties last for six weeks or six months, our nation’s founders gave us the blueprint to make striving for the stars possible.

    Michael Austin is director of the Sandlian Center for Entrepreneurial Government at the Kansas Policy Institute.

  • Kansas tax revenues not yet affected

    Through the end of March 2020, Kansas state tax revenues have not seen the effect of the economic slowdown due to COVID-19.

    Data from the State of Kansas shows that through March 2020, tax revenues to the state have not shown much effect from the economic slowdown in response to COVID-19.

    Of the two major tax categories (individual income tax and retail sales tax), both were slightly above estimates. Total tax revenue was down slightly. A nearby table illustrates.

    The major taxes that were below estimates were corporate income tax at $8.6 million below estimates, and insurance premium tax at $19.5 million below.

    The interactive visualization of Kansas state tax collections has been updated through March and is available here.

  • Kansas tax receipts

    Kansas tax receipts

    Kansas tax receipts by category, presented in an interactive visualization. Now with data through December 2019.

    The Kansas Division of the Budget publishes monthly statistics regarding tax collections. I’ve gathered these and present them in an interactive visualization.

    In the nearby example from the visualization, we can see the rising trend in individual income taxes, due to the a increase passed by the Kansas Legislature.

    Click here to learn more and access the visualization.

    Example from the visualization. Click for larger.
  • State and local government employees and payroll

    State and local government employees and payroll

    Looking at the number of government employees in proportion to population, Kansas has many compared to other states, and especially so in education.

    Each year the United States Census Bureau surveys federal, state, and local government civilian employees. I’ve gathered this data and present it in an interactive visualization using several views and supplementary calculations. 1

    The Census Bureau collects both counts of employees and payroll dollars. Comparisons based on the number of employees are useful, bypassing issues such as differing costs of living and salaries in general.

    Click for larger.
    Considering all government functions, Kansas has 69.50 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees per thousand residents in 2018. Only two states and the District of Columbia have more.

    For total elementary and secondary education employment, Kansas has 29.78 such employees (full-time equivalent) per thousand residents. Only two states have more.

    In the following chart of total employees, total elementary and secondary education employees, and total higher education employees, Kansas stands out from its neighbors and the nation. In almost all cases, Kansas has proportionally more government employees, and often by a large margin.

    In this example from the visualization showing Kansas and nearby states, Kansas stands out. Click for larger.


    1. For details and to access the visualization, see here: