Why Populism and Authoritarianism Go Hand in Hand

One-Sentence Summary: The article argues that populism, despite its democratic facade, inherently leads to authoritarianism by undermining liberal democratic institutions and promoting strongman rule.

Shikha Dalmia contends that populism and authoritarianism, though seemingly opposite — populism representing the rule of many and authoritarianism the rule of one — are closely linked. In established democracies, populist movements arise when a dominant majority perceives the existing establishment as corrupt or unresponsive to its needs. These movements frame politics as a battle between the virtuous “people” and a corrupt elite, fostering an “Us vs. Them” mentality. This antagonistic approach leads to illiberal practices that erode checks and balances, freedom of the press, and other constraints on centralized power. Consequently, populism paves the way for strongman politics, where leaders claim to embody the will of the people, sidelining democratic institutions and minority rights. Examples from Latin America, such as Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela and Nayib Bukele in El Salvador, illustrate how populist leaders can transition to authoritarian rule. Therefore, while populism purports to enhance democracy by empowering the majority, it often results in the concentration of power and the erosion of liberal democratic principles.

Dalmia, Shikha. “Why Populism and Authoritarianism Go Hand in Hand.” The UnPopulist, 8 Aug. 2024, www.theunpopulist.net/p/why-populism-and-authoritarianism.

Key Takeaways:

  • Populism arises in democracies where the majority feels the establishment is corrupt or unresponsive.
  • It creates a divisive “Us vs. Them” dynamic between the people and elites.
  • This mentality leads to illiberal practices that weaken democratic institutions.
  • Populist movements often result in strongman politics and authoritarian rule.
  • Despite claiming to empower the majority, populism can erode liberal democratic principles.

Important Quotations:

  • “Populism, the rule of many, and authoritarianism, the rule of one, might seem like antipoles. But they are intimately related because wherever populism appears, so do various forms of illiberalism…”
  • “Populist movements… are a pathology specifically of established democracies where the people already have self-rule.”

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