Why I Like Walter E. Williams
I’ve never met Walter E. Williams, economics professor at George Mason University, and I don’t suppose I ever will. But I think I would like him if I met him. I certainly admire his writing. In his columns he has a way of writing very plainly, where everything makes sense. These are some of his…
“Sports Daily” on KFH Radio, October 20, 2004
I happened to hear this radio show one day when Mayor Carlos Mayans was a guest. He was promoting the downtown arena. Bob Lutz, one of the hosts, invited opponents of the arena to contact him, and he might invite them on the show. I did, and he issued the invitation. I was a little…
A public or private arena in downtown Wichita, which is desirable?
Image what our town could be like if the downtown arena in Wichita vote fails and the county commissioners put aside for a moment their plans for the renovation of the Kansas Coliseum.
About Voice For Liberty in Wichita
A voice for individual liberty, limited government, and free markets in Wichita and Kansas. I started this website in October 2004 in response to what I felt was a misunderstanding of the important issues in the November 2004 elections, especially involving the proposed downtown Wichita arena. The debate over the arena was wide-ranging, involving factors…
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